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What you need to know
about me

What you need to know about me

We’re devoted to building expert-led businesses

We’ve been helping experts become bestselling authors for over 15 years. You have a book and we know what to do with it. A great book requires, not only great content, but also great packaging.

We know exactly how to package your book to make it a beloved bestseller. You see, people do judge a book by it’s cover!

We’re experts in creating legendary book promotion campaigns.

After helping 14 authors reach top of the charts, we know every single landmine and deadly swamp you have to overcome before you can say, “I’m a bestselling author” proudly…

Note: On the right you can see client results for Oct-Nov 2024. We’ve been helping experts build world class, top 1% reputations for 15 years. You can be an author, speaker, or whatever! Lay it on us.

We’re devoted to building expert-led businesses

Client results for Oct-Nov 2024. We’ve been helping experts build world class, top 1% reputations for 15 years. You can be an author, speaker, or whatever! Lay it on us.

People say good things
about us

I have worked with billion-dollar enterprises like Teradata and SAP, playing pivotal roles in four corporate acquisitions, including Emarsys’ $500M sale to SAP.

I appeared on Ray’s live cast, and got to collaborate with him to co-create. He’s an awesome interviewer! Cant wait to come back on to share more insights!


CTO/VP Engineering | Ex-Wayfair


CEO of Wondersauce


CEO of ModernIQs



CTO/VP Engineering | Ex-Wayfair


CEO of Wondersauce


CEO of ModernIQs



CTO/VP Engineering | Ex-Wayfair


CEO of Wondersauce



CEO of ModernIQs

I know a thing or two about self-made entrepreneurship… I wrote a book on it!

How to build yourself from
nothing into Everything
You’ve ever dream of!

I became a top-performing salesman, sold my first website, and made a career out of helping american business owners live the american dream. All before I was 19! Not because I “Studied hard” or “Got a good job!”, but because I learned the art of leverage, strategy, and patience.

In this book, I’ll show you stuff that’ll blow your mind. You’ll learn how to perform miracles for your business and life. CONVERT long-term STRATEGIES INTO day-to-day ACTIONS. Move the needle every day!

learn the strategies used to make $3.8 Billion by entrepreneurs like you… sign up!